Univer.se Releases

You may have revived some emails from univer.se these days, what is it about? Well, you don’t have to worry about it because those emails are being sent to you when new release or updates from the Universe App is coming or released already.

  • How do we know if it’s really coming from Univer.se or any other sources such regular websites?
  1. Make sure the email comes from updates@univer.se, which we already know it comes from any update from all websites built by univer.se (if your notify people toggle option is active on your settings).

  2. Make sure you check the website, if the website is called or shows the following URL: https://releases.univer.se, then it’s the original one. Otherwise you’ll have the incorrect one or having issues by having someone spamming you. (We know that univer.se takes very seriously when it comes to fake and spam accounts, people and accounts that are just pretending to be someone else may be deleted or blocked by the univer.se team).

  3. You’re all set! Remember to subscribe to their newsletter so you’ll get an email notification every time new releases are coming out.

  • How many times do I receive a Release notification?

Well, it all depends on the times univer.se updates their App. No worries, you can always check their social media accounts/pages like Twitter, Instagram & TikTok for more information about releases and other stuff.

  • What does Universe Releases really tells me?

It tells you when, how, and what updates are being made in their App such as Blocks being added, New features added, more tools and other improvements that makes the App even better than it was before.

  • How do I reach univer.se/Universe Team?

Easy! Just email them at help@univer.se or go to their App and tap "Get Help” button to start a chat with them. :speech_balloon:

  • Need more than this?

Univer.se offers the "Articles” feature on their website, again, click "Get Help” and go to Articles and you’ll find everything related to univer.se. I have found very accurate information so far, all information is very relevant and helpful.


Thanks for sharing this with everyone! Was a pretty fun project to work on that combines some of the best features of Universe :magic_wand: