Hey there, fellow Universe Creators! Welcome to your new community! We are so excited to introduce you to a new place to learn about Universe, each other, and more.
2023 has been a big year for us. We've kaizen-ed new opportunities for growth and innovation, and we've had a blast doing it. This community is a monumental step for us to bring you along on our journey and get to know you guys better too!
We'll share original blog posts, icebreakers, and topics - catered to you. We're excited to teach you guys more about navigating Universe, expand your thinking about how you utilize our products, and some behind-the-scenes stuff!
We also encourage you to use this as an additional space to ask questions and get answers - not just from us, moderators, but also from your peers! You guys are the experimenters and the visionaries. So tap into each other's knowledge and processes!
In the thread below, introduce yourself and your site! Let us know what you're interested in seeing in our community.
Happy Creating!