I run a monthly pop-up and wanted to use Univer.se to host my page and announce my events. But does anyone else do this / found a way to sell tickets?
I can sell tickets as a product, and the customer will get an emailed receipt. The only workaround I can think of is requiring their name and then printing our a name list for the door.
Long time, no talk! I actually had a conversation with the Commerce Team about this, and they had a seemingly easy solution for your idea:
Download Block for tickets
Enable order notes - have the customer put first and last name. If tickets were purchased for others, have them add their first and last names.
Create CSV → Export Orders
At the door, cross-check licenses and any form of identification with the names - listed under Product Notes in the CSV.
Rinse and repeat for upcoming events! You may need to edit the CSV to remove older entries, just so the physical paper list isn't so big, but you don't have to.