Custom Emails / Newsletters / Integrations

Hey Folks,
I’m currently building out a newsletter campaign and looking into how I could do this with features already available within the Universe Software. I’m seeing the custom email prompt in the “Audience” section doesn’t appear to have options for creating a dynamic custom email beyond adding text.. is this correct?

Wondering if anyone else has tried embedding substack into their site?

Or finally, are you using your email list to just notify when there’s a new page on your site?

My purpose: I’m trying to develop a correspondence with folks over email to provide some exclusive value for more loyal relationships and folks who truly would like to hear from me more. I need to be able to provide images, perhaps embed video, or at least links.. you know, basic fancy email stuff. Is this possible with the custom email function? for example, could I embed HTML style emails?

hey man, yeah unfortunately the email and audience controls for Universe are very basic and Limited. I haven’t attempted anything like this but i don’t think this is the right platform. good luck!

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Thanks for taking the time to respond, this is what I was figuring..

I’d still love to know if anyone is integrating substack API or using other newsletter code from outside sources and how it’s going for them!