While going through some awesome sites, I've noticed an aesthetic emerging and I'm so here for it:
Collages. Scrapbook-esque. Art journal-y.
All different terms I'd use to describe these types of sites. What I love about them is that they don't necessarily serve a purpose other than just expressing creativity. On the day-to-day, I love a good inspo board, and these definitely have the same vibe!
credit: https://grevify.univer.se/
credit: https://negative2004.univer.se/
Choose a theme: Pick a topic- any topic! Choose a mood, an alter ego, your favorite band- the world is your oyster! Heck, you can even do it on oysters! (I did! Check out my site below )
If you're a perfectionist, you may wanna let loose for a second here. The look you're going for is messy, crowded and cluttered. Think of it as an artistic junk drawer. Leave no space, and let images and Blocks overlap (within reason! If you're wanting to add links, you definitely still want them to be clickable!)
A background remover program will be your best friend! Work with odd negative spaces can really sell the layered look. I personally use Canva Pro because I already have it, but feel free to use Photoshop, or anything other program you have access to!
Images are great, but break it up with some words! It'll give your viewers something else to look at and engage with. You can also add gifs, Soundcloud links for some mood music, etc.
Those are just some of the building blocks to making a collage-type site. I tried out this trend myself and I had a blast. Check out my site here https://the-world-is-your-oyster.univer.se/
What do we think? Is this a new art trend? Let me know your thoughts down below!