As I’ve been requesting lots of features to, and tools to improve the App and demonstrate love to our fans by using ours & your experiences. One of my top requests I made for you guys ( team) is a search bar, it will be easier to find sub-pages/websites by names or labels. So could take us less time scrolling up/down to find the page we want to update.
Some other features more I can request are: Hide sites from SEO, Hide the site title and allow names to be shown on Google just by the sub-pages name, Enable desktop preview (let users edit their website for a desktop version), Add animations to texts, Add shades (colors), more shapes and border (colors) options to images, as people mentioned before; enable custom email notifications to our customers and fans, MORE PRIORITY ON MESSAGES FROM UNIVER.SE USERS, Add some gradient background colors.
The important at this moment may be the SEARCH option?
Best regards, Fermín Gramajo.